A crítica da crítica…

10 fev

Há dias em que nada de hiperextraordinário  acontece na minha caixa de e-mails… Hoje fiquei surpresa! Recebi um comentário do próprio Tomas Alexander Hartmann, autor do livro mais caro do mundo…

Eis o poema-resposta… Desculpe a falta de tecla SAP… hehee

” i say to you you simpletons what you believe exists
and what birdbrain is able
to mind his own business?
you echo our language use our colors and sounds like
the donkey the lion’s splendor
your are our copies but if we leave you alone you are doomed
for only in our shadow can you prosper
your mind does not understand the world?
well which construction would become wise
to itself ?
therefore i say: to understand the world in simple terms
you take the starting points
then build everything up to the now
and still further past the end
is there a matter on which all appearances
are based that adopts any shape?
i say: each space is the consequence of a thought
for before we can take the first step
we need ground
but now the world is prophesied and no one believes
the prophets
it would after all not be possible to say with certainty
when which person pees in the corner
is it possible for instance to calculate the flight of a bird of passage
in accordance with irrefutable laws?
suddenly and unexpectedly here i stand amongst you
and i say:
united before freedom alone in flight
passing over old rusty thoughts”

Tomas Alexander Hartmann

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